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Botanical and Bird Art


Bitterroot and Metallic Green Bees
Watercolor, 8 x 10

Boletus edulis
Watercolor 6 x 8

Fly agaric
Watercolor, 6 x 8

Shooting Star and Bumblebee

Pollinator partners
Watercolor. Wyoming Indian paintbrush with broad-tailed hummingbirds. 12 x 12". Private collection.

Paintbrush with Rufous hummingbird
Watercolor. 8 x 10"

Pretty Shooting Star
A miniature painting of Pretty Shooting Star, (Dodecatheon Pulchellum). Watercolor. 5 x 7"

American Goldfinch
Watercolor. 6 x 8". In private collection.

Bullock's Oriole
Watercolor. 6 x 8". In private collection.

Black-capped Chickadee
Watercolor. 8 x 8". Chickadees and Mountain Ash
For more information, contact Diantha.
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